Category: back injury

‘Tis the Season for Slip and Fall Injuries

Winter is the season of seasons.  It’s the holiday season, cold and flu season, ski season, hockey season, and if you’re a chiropractor, slip and fall season.   As soon as freezing temperatures begin to creep in and we have to maneuver through an obstacle course of ice, snow, and water just to get to the …

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Repetitive Motion Injuries

Although repetitive motion injuries account for 50% of athletic-related injuries, they can happen to anyone.  They can happen to factory workers, carpenters, or office workers who spend hours typing on their computer keyboard, or even to you when you rake the leaves from your lawn or work in your garden.  Anytime you perform a task …

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Common Sports Injuries in Adults

When you were a kid playing sports, your body could handle anything.  Practices that lasted for hours, falling off your skateboard and skinning your knees, touch football tackles, and kinds of bumps and bruises; you took it all and went back to it the next day.   As an adult, it’s not so easy.  Even with …

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What is a “Slipped Disc”?

A “slipped disc” is a common term for a ruptured or herniated disc which is a problem in the spine that most commonly occurs as the body ages. It can be slight or severe, it can be extremely painful and you may not even know when it occurred. How Discs Work The spine is made …

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Sciatica: a Big Pain in the Buttocks

Sciatica is when pressure is put on the sciatic nerve, the large nerve that runs from the lower back through the hips and down each leg.  The pain can be mild or severe, intermittent like an electric shock or constant. Sciatica is not a disorder itself, but rather a symptom of a disorder, and in …

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Auto Accident Injuries and You

No one wants to be in an automobile accident but even for the safest, most cautious drivers, they’re almost inevitable.  You can do everything right but you have no control over the other drivers, weather conditions, or wild animals that may cross your path.  Even a small fender-bender that causes minimal damage to your car …

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Auto Accident Injuries

If you’re a tennis player, it’s common to get tennis elbow.  Runners get shin splints. Football players tear their ACLs. There are specific injuries that most commonly occur with certain sports because of the way in which the body typically moves while participating in them.   The same can be said for automobile accidents.  Even …

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For most people, sometime around the age of 10 or 11, they visited their school nurse or had a checkup at the doctor where they were checked for scoliosis, a curvature of the spine.  Although rare, they may even remember someone needed to wear a rigid back brace to correct the problem. Unless you were …

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Back Pain and Pregnancy

Pregnancy should be a time of joy and anticipation of the new arrival but unfortunately, for more than ⅔ of all women, pregnancy is full of discomfort and back pain.  And it’s no wonder―pregnancy increases your weight changing your center of gravity, causes fatigue, muscle strain, and hormonal changes, all of which can lead to …

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Is Your Child’s Backpack Setting Them Up…

…for a Life of Back Pain? Backpacks have become a necessity for every school-aged child, as has to fill them with every heavy book and school supply imaginable. Their overstuffed packs can weigh 30 lbs. or more and they carry them all day long.  They walk around like turtles, schlepping their substantial packs from one …

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