During this difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, life has been completely altered. Many people are forced to work from home or worse, have lost their jobs altogether. For everyone, everyday life has changed, from the way we shop for necessities to the way we try to stay active and healthy. Gyms, parks, and beaches are closed. It’s difficult to get those 10,000 steps in when your commute consists of a walk from your bed to your desk with a walk to the kitchen for lunch. There are things you can do to maintain good health during this time of social distancing.
Don’t Stress Eat
During stressful times, people find comfort in food. Be mindful when you’re eating. Ask yourself, am I hungry or am I stressed? Stock up on healthy snacks and eat away the stress with those instead! When you do go out for groceries, try to resist the urge to stock up on junk food, a.k.a “Comfort Food”. If it’s not there, you can’t eat it!
Stock Up On Veggies
It’s hard to keep fresh food at the ready when you have to stock up for two weeks or more at a time. The good news is that a lot of fresh fruits and veggies hold up well to being frozen! Fresh veggies like onions, peppers, broccoli, corn, carrots, and brussels sprouts can be chopped and stored in the freezer for months. Fruits like strawberries and berries can be laid out on cookie sheet and frozen and placed into baggies. Peaches and nectarines work better if they are peeled and sliced first. Bananas freeze well if you’re going to use them in desserts and smoothies. If you’re not inclined to do the prep yourself, by packaged frozen veggies. They retain more of their nutrients than canned ones.
Make Time to Work Out
Some gyms are offering live workouts online but there are a lot of free workout videos on Youtube for varying skill levels. Clear an area in your basement or anywhere with some room to move and find a workout that’s right for you. A good cardio workout relieves stress but it might be beneficial to include some yoga routines as well. If the weather’s nice, bring your yoga mat onto the deck or backyard and let the sun into your workout.
Get Enough Sleep
Many people have been having trouble sleeping during the quarantine and it’s not surprising. It’s an uncertain time and you may require some help in the sleep department. Instead of pharmaceuticals, try natural sleep enhancers like tryptophan, valerian root, and L-theanine. Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine and shut off that other stimulant, your phone, long before bed. Opt to read a good book instead. Calming music or white noise can also help ease you into slumberland.
Go Outside
Vitamin D is essential for our minds and bodies and the best way to get it is outside in some sunshine. Do some yard work, play with the kids and dogs, or read that good book.
At North County Pain Relief, we take a holistic approach to your health. Upon your initial consultation and exam, we’ll come up with a plan to treat your pain and ailments to improve your whole health.
If you’re from the St. Louis area, call North County Pain Relief at (314) 731-4201 to schedule a free initial consultation.