Monthly Archives: November 2015

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Risk Factors

There are several risk factors that make it more likely for someone to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. If any of these apply to you, take extra precautions to avoid median nerve damage and be prepared to respond quickly if you begin to notice symptoms. Unfortunately gender plays a role in the risk of developing carpal …

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What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common workplace injury. Symptoms typically develop slowly, but can cause permanent nerve and muscle damage if left untreated. You may first notice the issue as a numbness, tingling or weakness in your hands. Symptoms may abate for a while but will typically continue to grow worse unless treated. The carpal …

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Excess Weight and Knee Pain

A chiropractor can help protect your joints in many ways, but one way you might not think of is by helping you maintain a healthy weight. A pound here or there doesn’t seem like much, but during the holidays it can be easy to indulge a bit too much. People typically don’t lose the weight …

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Epicondylitis or Tennis Elbow

One of the most common reasons people see doctors for elbow pain is from tennis elbow.  The pain from tennis elbow can range from mild to debilitating.  Though the damage is actually in the elbow, people who suffer tennis elbow usually feel pain when they are using their hands.  They may also experience pain along …

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